1. Attend county job fairs to promote our profession
- Obtain a list of events for Brevard County from the Tourist Development Center
- Contact the agency recruiters
- Contact area colleges (BCC, UCF, etc.) and newspapers (Florida Today)
2. Coordinate in-house training among all agencies
- Identify individual agency training representatives for SCPSCA
- Utilize the 9-1-1 office and state agencies
- Utilize professional training organizations (NENA, APCO, etc.)
3. Serve as a resource to all agencies to provide 9-1-1 education to businesses, the public and the school
- Coodinate with the 9-1-1 office
- Inform agencies of our availability (PIO, Crime Prevention, Training, SRO)
- Inform the Chamber of Commerce of our existence
4. Representation at other Public Safety functions
- Attend other Public Safety Association meetings (Police Chiefs and Fire Chiefs Associactions,
Brevard County Administrative Association, etc.)
- Correspond with other Public Safety Associations
5. Promote Telecommunicator of the Year awards and National 9-1-1 recognition
- Promote through the media
- Monthly highlight or special recognition from the Association
6. Assist in developing county-wide SOPs for PSAPs
- Update/review 911 police/procedure
- Determine areas of standardization for Communication Centers
7. Serve as an individual forum for addressing mutual problems pertaining to
Public Safety Communications